
40% of women struggle with sexual dysfunction.

What Is The O-Shot?

The O-Shot is not a drug or medication. The O-Shot uses your own platelet-rich plasma (PRP), which is obtained with a simple blood draw. The growth factors in the PRP solution are then injected into the clitoral and vaginal areas.

What Conditions Does The O-Shot Treat?

  • Stress urinary incontinence

  • Vaginal dryness

  • Sexual dysfunction or painful intercourse

  • Inability or decreased ability to achieve orgasm

  • Chronic vaginal pain from childbirth or transvaginal mesh

  • Weakness or pain in the pelvic floor

How Does The O-Shot Work?

Platelet-rich plasma contains naturally occurring growth factors. When PRP is injected into your clitoral and vaginal areas, stem cells are activated which encourages tissue regeneration and increased blood flow.

How Long Is Each Treatment Good For?

While results vary, most women enjoy the benefits of a single O-Shot for 1-2 years.

If I Get The O-Shot More Often, Will I Have Better Results?

Yes, patients seeking the best results usually schedule a follow-up treatment about 6-12 months after the inital injection. Annual O-Shot injections are recommended to maximize and maintain benefits.

Does The O-Shot Replace The Need For Lubrication?

The O-Shot increases sensation; women typically achieve greater arousal more quickly after the O-Shot. As a result, natural lubrication is increased, and many women find they no longer need supplemental lube to enjoy sexual activity. Results may vary depending on the severity of your vaginal dryness before receiving the injection.

How Soon Will I Experience Results?

Each person will respond differently to the O-Shot. Some patients report immediate improvement. For most patients, however the growth factors usually take about two weeks to fully engage, and the maximum benefit is typically reached in 3-4 months.

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